Krakow University of Economics

Team Members

Grażyna Paliwoda-Pękosz

Grażyna Paliwoda-Pękosz, the project coordinator, is Associate Professor at the Department of Informatics, and the Deputy Director of the Institute of Informatics, Accounting and Controlling. She has successfully managed the ICAM project ( and has been involved in co-chairing conference minitracks (AMCIS, ICTM). Grażyna has published in Information Systems Management, Industrial Management & Data Systems, Information Technology for Development, and in conference proceedings such as AMCIS, ICEEE. She has experience in teaching and designing ICT related modules (including blended-learning). Her research interests include applications of ICT in education and emerging technologies adoption.

Dariusz Dymek

Dariusz Dymek is Associate Professor at the Department of Computational Systems at the Krakow University of Economics. He has a strong project management background in commerce (for several years serving as vice president of an IT company which was responsible for project management), and educational and research projects. His main areas of interest include project management, risk management, quality management, and the adoption of new technologies.

Mariusz Grabowski

Mariusz Grabowski is Associate Professor at the Department of Computational Systems at the Krakow University of Economics. His research interests include e-business and e-commerce, theoretical aspects of information systems, information systems security, IT governance, enterprise architecture management, and IT/IS behavioral modeling. He currently teaches undergraduate courses such as “Introduction to Information Systems,” “E-Business”, „E-Commerce” and “Information Systems Security,” as well as a postgraduate course on „Management Information Systems” and “IT Governance.”

Paweł Konkol

Paweł Konkol holds a position of Assistant Professor at the Department of Computational Systems. His research interests are focused on information systems, IT project management methodologies, e-commerce, and blockchain. His teaching experience is related to ICT related courses. He participated in various international educational and research projects including those implemented in the frame of TEMPUS and Erasmus EU Programme.

Janusz Stal

Janusz Stal is Associate Professor at the Department of Informatics, Krakow University of Economics, Poland. He holds a Ph.D. in economics and a habilitation degree in management and quality studies from the Krakow University of Economics. His research areas include mobile technology, mobile knowledge management, applications of ICT in education, and cloud computing. Janusz has published articles in Information Technology for Development, Journal of Enterprise Information Management, and numerous conference proceedings of AMCIS, EMCIS, ECIME, SIGCSE/SIGCUE, IIS, ICEEE, and ICEL.

Robert Szydło

Robert Szydło is Assistant Professor at the Department of Labour Resource Management. He is an HR specialist, psychologist, and a scholarship recipient of the Indonesian Government. His research interests are connected with psychology and management, especially in the fields of competences, employability and gamification. He is strongly involved in students’ scientific groups.