
The project aims to improve the entrepreneurship competences among students by preparing them to work as freelancers, and to promote the concepts of lifelong learning and microcredentials. The project results will be beneficial not only for students, but also for other target groups, such as war refugees, unemployed people, people with disabilities who can work remotely but cannot commute to work, and people focused on maintaining a work-life balance.


Firstly, we conduct thorough research to obtain a rich picture of the global freelancer market. Secondly, we carry out an investigation to gain an understanding of the key freelancer competences. Thirdly, we develop a test that can identify the gap in competences that a person needs to fill to become a freelancer. Next, we develop 12 MOOCs that enable the enhancement of freelancer-related competences. Finally, we elaborate a system of course certification based on the concept of microcredentials.


The main, tangible project results include: a competence test, 12 MOOCs for the enhancement of freelancer competences, and a system of course certification that follows EU guidance in the area of microcredentials implementation. By having partners from diverse geographical and cultural backgrounds, we will broaden cultural and multinational understanding and strengthen the cooperation between partner institutions, which may lead to further cooperation.